Where is the money? Many businesses ask this question about social media. If you have this question in mind as well then keep reading and I am sure you will get the answer in less than 5 minutes. Social media is like a phone and every business use phone in almost every department as well as using it… Read More
Social Media Business 101 for Small Businesses
“Being social is not a choice any more” I am sure majority of the businesses got this point by now. But how are you supposed to do it exactly? How can you “be social” as a small business? I think very first step for every small business is to consider social media marketing as a… Read More
How Social Media and SEO Marketing Are Related
Have you ever got confused about the relation between Social media and SEO? I have asked the following question to Jeff Quipp Founder of Searchenginepeople.com, Canada’s largest search engine optimisation and social media agency. Question: How social media marketing and SEO are related? Jeff answered this question really well and after watching this short video… Read More
Social Media Marketing Is an Asset
As small business owner have you ever sat down and think that what type of marketing is right for your business, traditional marketing or social media marketing? If you have this question, then you are not alone. I have been talking to many small businesses recently and this is one of the most asked questions…. Read More
How To Brand Your Small Business Using Social Media
You can Google the definition of brand or branding and you will find ton of information on this. Branding is a quite in depth term and I am not going into details here. Here I am going to write what you should do when starting out social media marketing to enhance your brand. Social… Read More