Want to create an amazing web presence?
You might be thinking to start from:
- A great web design
- Color scheme
- Number of pages you required etc.
But, have you ever thought why the world’s most successful websites in the likes of Google, Facebook, Apple have really, really simple front end designs?
Do you know why?
Because they know really well “why” people visit their websites.
For example Google’s main business is “Search” and when you land on Google.com you see no distractions, one big call to action which is a “Search Box”.
You enter your search term and boom, you start using Google’s product i.e “search”.
How cool, easy and fast process is this from a visitor to converting into a product user.
Don’t forget that “Search” is Google’s main product and this is what they want majority of the visitors to use and how easy they have made it for the visitors.
Do you know why you are building a website?
What is your main product?
As a marketer or business owner, you must concentrate on establishing:
- Why people visit your website (can’t insist more on the importance of this)
- How you can make the process from a visitor to product or service user really smooth, easy, low risk and fast.
Once you figure out the above two things, website development process will be really easy and your conversion ratio be lot better.
There are plenty of small businesses who want to develop great websites but will hardly achieve their goals because:
“They often can’t figure out “why” people visit their website really well”
As a business owner or marketer it is your responsibility to find out “why” your business exist and let the professionals to help you to sort out how to answer that question using technology.
Don’t try to invent the wheel again.
Learn best practices from the big guys to create a great web design because you can’t know better than Google about the user behaviour.
- Decide why you need a website.
- What one action you want your website visitors to take on each page of your website
- Work with professionals to help you to reflect the above two points on your website.
Most business owners spend majority of their time figuring out technical stuff, which can be done really easily by the professionals once you know the first 2 parts.
Let me know your thoughts or experiences in the comments below.