Social networking sites have become the online communication method of choice for both personal and business purposes.
When looking for expert information, people are far more likely to begin their search on their preferred social networking site than more traditional methods, such as a phone book or asking around for word-of-mouth recommendations from friends or colleagues.
Social networking has become the leading method of building a reputation for the 21st century. If you are trying to establish yourself as an expert in almost any field, the place to begin is understanding how to use social media to build that reputation and spread the word among your target audience.
This infographic demonstrates this concept as it pertains to a few of the most popular social networking sites, what demographics are most likely to use them, and how they can best be utilized to boost your business profile.
It also gives usage numbers and some possible drawbacks to making the site a part of your daily business activity.
Finding the best major social networking site for targeting your desired demographic begins with this important information: the age and gender of the average user, the available services and media available for each site, and the “secret weapons” at your disposal when you choose that service for your business’ promotion.
In this tech-connected era, it is a mistake to dismiss social networking as a place for personal communication or just a place where kids play.
Social networking has become an important piece in the success of any business’ operations, as demonstrated in the infographic.
This infographic was created by Zintro, a network of experts where you can even find a legal expert witness.