Well so many times in life you wanted to do something but you could not figure out the right and step by step process. Could be so many reasons of this, may be the person you ask for help don’t know or may be don’t want to share?
It took me a long time, efforts and money to create this simple and straight forward way to start your website or a blog online in a way that will generate traffic if you follow the steps.
To me business rules are same regardless you are a online business or traditional high street business. Research plays huge rule in the success of any business. Therefore, in this post you will find how to do online keyword research to set the stage right from the very beginning.
Keyword is a word or phrase that is typed into the search engines to search
Search engines tracked all the keywords that people are typing in the search engines to search product and services like yours e.g. if you are looking for web designer you probably type these keywords in the Goolge or your preferred search engine “good web designer” “web designer in London” etc.
How to find right keywords
Keyword research is a fundamental rule when it comes to making money online. Let me just introduced you the concept and how it works.
- Find people who are looking for your type of product and services
- Write great content to target those keywords which your customers using in search engines
- Analyse the demand, competition and target less competitive with sufficient demand keywords
There are tools available to obtain that key information to use for your advantage. Go to Google keyword tool its free to use.
Keywords are used to determine market size and competition. Knowledge of your buying keyword is the key to build a successful website.
I spend extensive amount of time and money on the research of buying keywords before I start working on clients website or blog. Buying keyword is a word people type into the search engines to buy things not for free information.
We at All Marketing Solutions know the importance of setting up the right foundation.
People who tend to do keyword research well, generally have much better rankings in search engines, more traffic, and earn more money eventually.
How did you start your blog or website? Feel free to ask any question or add your thoughts in the comments
It is just the beginning!